One aspect of living the rural life that continually amazes andpleases me is the quality of young artists who live among us.
One of the requests of my late editor, Bud Leavitt, when I workedon the Bangor Daily News sports desk was that I visit every highschool in our circulation area.
I am so glad he asked me to do that, because I learned a greatdeal not only about the schools' athletic departments and facilitiesbut also about the students who attend them.
One of the more memorable aspects of those visits, whenever Istepped into a classroom or hallway, was the display of studentartwork.
I am sorry more of our young people do not pursue their talents inthe arts but I know it is not always the economically prudent courseto follow.
But those wonderful young artists are out there and District 1Maine Federation of Women's Clubs is offering you an opportunity,without charge, to view the artwork of students from that area.
District 1 president Minnie McCormick of Dover-Foxcroft reportsthat students attending Foxcroft Academy in Dover-Foxcroft, PenquisValley High School in Milo, Katahdin High School in Sherman Stationand Piscataquis Community High School in Guilford will display theirwork for judging from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, March 30, in the Milo TownHall Arts Center.
Earlier in the year, four entries from each school were selected,and the four winners from this contest will represent MFWC District 1during its Spring Convention May 16-17 in Bar Harbor.
The clubs represented in District 1 are Cosmopolitan and Miosac ofDover-Foxcroft, Pamola of Patten, and the Sherman Station Women'sClub.
Co-chairwomen of the event are Cosmopolitan Club member JudiWalter of Sebec Village and member-at-large Merna Dunham of Milo.
For those who are not familiar with the Milo Town Hall ArtsCenter, that effort was launched in May 2001 by Three Rivers KiwanisClub for use by students in SAD 41 as well as for the general public.
This is the second year for this contest and, McCormick said,district members 'are hoping for a good turnout.'
District members appreciate the fact they are able to host thisshow at the Milo Town Hall Arts Center and welcome and encouragemembers of the public to come see the artwork as well as get a lookat the new facility.
Don't despair if you didn't get around to ordering your bouquet offresh daffodils, which will be delivered this week as part of theAmerican Cancer Society's Daffodil Days campaign.
Bill Knight of Bradford and members of the Penobscot Voiture Local427 of the 40-8 of the American Legion will sell ACS daffodilbouquets during regular business hours Wednesday, March 26, Thursday,March 27, and Friday, March 28, at Marden's in Brewer and Sam's Clubin Bangor.
Also, you can purchase them Thursday, March 27, through Saturday,March 29, at local Shop 'n Save stores.
The cost of the 10-flower bouquet is a $6 donation to ACS.
Funds raised during Daffodil Days support ACS programs andservices such as Road to Recovery, Look Good ... Feel Better, Reachto Recovery and Man to Man.
For more information call (800) ACS-2345 or visit
Amy Lorenzo of the Hampden Children's Day Committee reports itsMarch Bowlathon to raise funds for that event 'was a huge success,'with 13 teams raising nearly $4,500.
Rollie Russell of PDQ Door was the individual male winner, andTerry Hunt of Town & Country Realtors the female winner.
PDQ Door won the team-scoring category, and McK's Variety had thehighest team pledge total.
Ron McKinnon of McK's Variety had the highest male pledge totaland Michele Beaney of TDS Telecom the highest female pledge total.
In addition to the above businesses, the Children Day Committeeextends its thanks for the support of Sunrise Glass, Graves' Shop 'n
Save, Hampden Wellness Committee and Coldbrook Landscaping.
For prize donations, the committee thanks Qwik Stop Video, R&KVariety, Nicky's Cruisin' Diner and Sunrise Glass.
Lorenzo extends a special thanks to the owners of Sports Arena(formerly Heritage Bowling Center on Outer Hammond Street) in Bangorfor use of its facilities and for prize donations.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.