суббота, 29 сентября 2012 г.

Volunteers sought for Bangor literacy program - Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)

Some people, when they hear the words, 'Literacy Volunteers,'think of tutors teaching people who cannot read how to read.

But Mary Marin-Lyon, executive director of Literacy Volunteers ofBangor, reminds you that 'low literacy' affects '37 percent of ourneighbors.'

She describes 'low literacy' as having 'poor reading or Englishskills' that can often make people 'feel ashamed, frustrated andembarrassed.'

Low literacy can often prevent individuals 'from helping theirchildren develop important skills,' may limit job and earningprospects, or even prevent people from participating, effectively, incommunity activities.

To help your neighbors overcome such life obstacles, you can, injust a few hours a week, tutor an adult in reading or help him or herlearn the English language.

Lyon has announced that Basic Literacy Tutor Training will beconducted 6-9 p.m. five consecutive Wednesdays beginning Wednesday,Sept. 12, at United Technologies Center, 200 Hogan Road in Bangor.

Although there is no cost for the class and $25 is requested tohelp defray the cost of the book and materials, scholarships areavailable.

The LVB course in English Language Learner Tutor Training isplanned for 6-9 Monday and Wednesday evenings beginning Wednesday,Oct. 17, at UTC.

If you can help your neighbor become a better reader, or helpsomeone learn English, call LVB at 947-8451.

St. Croix International Quilters have two opportunities for thoseinterested in that activity.

The first is a free workshop with Lynda Coffey, who will teach youto make a quilted tote bag, at 6 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 5, at theMethodist Homes Recreation Center on Palmer Street in Calais.

The other is a machine quilting field trip beginning at MooseIsland Quilting, 445 Gin Cove Road in Perry, to view 'a demonstrationof Dana Bard's Long Arm Quilting Machine,' wrote Kathryn Mekelburg,'then off to have a noon lunch at the New Friendly Restaurant.'

After lunch, the group will travel to Charlotte Elementary School,where Bard will teach a workshop on machine quilting.

For more information, call Mekelburg, 454-0654.

Laura Mitchell reminds everyone that you are invited to the UnitedWay of Eastern Maine 2007 Campaign Kickoff, 'From Baby Steps to BusStops,' from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 6, at Bass Park inBangor.

The event includes a complimentary lunch from Hannaford, 'and theopportunity to experience a temporary installation of a Born Learningtrail, an outdoor-activity walking trail with 10 stations forchildren and their parents to learn and have fun together,' Mitchellwrote.

Speakers include Maine Attorney General Steven Rowe and UWEMCampaign Chairman John Rohman.

If you plan to attend and are not already registered through yourworkplace, you are encouraged to call UWEM at 941-2800.

More information is also available at www.unitedwayem.org.

Jackie Nicholson wants women to know that you need not be a memberto attend the Hancock Woman's Club monthly meeting at 7 p.m.Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Hancock Community Center.

After a brief business meeting, Nicholson wrote, you will hearpsychologist, author and former City College of New York professorDr. Douglas Kimmel speak on 'The Art of Aging.'

Kimmel, who specializes in gerontology, practices in Hancock.

Refreshments will be served, and more information can be obtainedby calling HWC president Charline Sheridan at 422-8969.

With fans worldwide honoring the memory of the late entertainer,Elvis Presley, who died 30 years ago this summer, local fans have achance to 'pay their respects,' so to speak, and support a worthycause at the same time.

Grace United Methodist Church of Bangor announces its secondannual 'Dessert With Elvis' is 6-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7, atSpectacular Event Center, 395 Griffin Road in Bangor.

The public is invited to an evening of entertainment featuringElvis impersonator Bruce Nye, the Elvis Guy, a silent and liveauction and a dessert buffet.

Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the door on the dayof the event, or in advance, at Patrick's Hallmark in the BroadwayShopping Center, the Grasshopper Shop and Rebecca's in downtownBangor, or at Grace Church, 193 Union St. in Bangor.

Auction items include jewelry, gifts, restaurant and store giftcertificates and theater, Penobscot Bingo and sports events tickets.

Proceeds will benefit the church's ministry and community outreachprograms. More information can be obtained by calling the churchoffice at 942-8320.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.