Although I do not know Bangor lawyer Stephen Smith, I thank himfor not 'dropping the ball' after he first 'dropped the ball' oneNew Year's Eve and then continued doing so to create what has becomea wonderful Queen City tradition known this year as DowntownCountdown 2008.
For newcomers or visitors to Bangor, a bit of history.
It was New Year's Eve 2004 that Smith came up with his ownversion of the traditional New York City Times Square ball dropcountdown when he threw a beach ball covered in Christmas lights offthe roof of his downtown Bangor building.
That year, his ball drop attracted a few hundred people but lastyear more than 3,000 people reportedly participated in the eventwhich has grown by leaps and bounds and receives great communitysupport and sponsorship.
You can visit, click onSpecial Events, then click on More Info under Downtown BangorDowntown Countdown to get information, or download the full brochureat
I thank Julie Lisnet, managing editor of Robinson Ballet, andBill Carlin of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor forreminding me to remind you what fun awaits on this special eve.
Lisnet's e-mail reports you can 'warm up for the big night withthe Epic Sports 5K Finale' at 10 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 28, bypreregistering at Epic Sports in downtown Bangor for $10, orregister for $15 on the day of the race.
Downtown Countdown 2008 activities run from 3 p.m. to midnightWednesday, Dec. 31, in downtown Bangor, and admission is free unlessotherwise noted, according to the Web site.
Parking in the Pickering Square Garage is free and you can ridethe BAT city bus for free to any event location.
Those venues include Union Street Brick Church, Bangor OperaHouse, Maine Discovery Museum, J.B. Parker's Cafe, Charles Inn,Hammond Street Senior Center, University of Maine Museum of Art,City Hall council chambers, Unitarian Universalist Church and BangorPublic Library.
Carlin invites you to a New Year's Eve Spaghetti Dinner &Contradance with dinner from 5:30 to 7 p.m. New Year's Eve at 120Park St. in Bangor.
The cost is $8 for adults, $5 for children, $20 for a family offour. 'Proceeds, over expenses, will be donated to the society'sSocial Justice Program,' Carlin wrote.
There is no charge for the dance, which is 8-11:30 p.m. andfeatures UpRiver Reel with Tavi Merrill, Rebecca Bosworth-Clemens,Karen Marysdaughter and Mary Halley. The caller will be JohnMcIntire.
If you've never participated before, you're in for a treatbecause on this occasion you can enjoy everything from a widevariety of musical entertainment to classic movies, singalongs, acostume party, children's activities and karaoke.
It's all thanks to Stephen Smith's first unique beach ball drop!
Cheri Goodspeed reports as part of the annual 100 Mile WildernessSled Dog Race planned for Feb. 7, 2009, beginning on Moosehead Lakein Greenville, a 'Mushing for Fuel' project has been put together bythe race committee.
'A portion of the funds raised will go toward fuel assistanceprograms in the communities of Greenville and Brownville,' Goodspeedsaid.
'Donations will come from the mushers, through entrance fees, aportion of sponsorship funds, and a 50-50 raffle.'
The committee invites 'local organizations, businesses andindividuals to donate to this great opportunity for both towns bybecoming a race sponsor or supporter,' Goodspeed wrote.
Already on board as corporate sponsors are Camden National Bank,Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union, Indian Hill Trading Post,Appalachian Mountain Club and Moosehead Hills Cabins, she wroterecently, 'and we would like to have your help as well.
'Let's make this event all about helping people of the Highlandsarea,' she wrote. 'Can you help?'
If so, call Goodspeed, 695-0965; Bethany Young at the Greenvilletown office, 695-2421; or Sophie Wilson at the Brownville townoffice, 965-2561.
Donations of any size are always appreciated, as staff at theWarren Center for Communication & Learning in Bangor reminds us.
From members of Daisy Scout Troop 147 of Bangor, reported Mary-Anne Saxl, the center recently received money to purchase a FisherPrice Little People Animal Sounds Farm.
The donation to 'Bangor's oldest audiology and speech center,'Saxl said, was made 'in honor of Girl Scout Founder Juliette GordonLow,' who had hearing difficulties.
If you would like to make a donation, mail it to The WarrenCenter for Communication & Learning, 175 Union St., Bangor 04401 orvisit
For information, call toll-free 877-542-9000, 941-2850, fax 941-2852 or TTY 941-2833.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.