You are invited, but reservations are required, to attend FusionForum, a presentation by Fusion:Bangor, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday,Jan. 25, at the Sea Dog Banquet & Conference Center, along the BangorWaterfront.
Admission is free and includes a buffet lunch for those who makereservations by Monday, Jan. 23.
To RSVP, e-mail rsvp@fusion; call the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce, 947-0307;or call Fusion:Bangor co-chairman Cary Weston, 945-9999.
The presentation is titled 'Recreational Facilities & Spaces: WhatDo We have, What Do We Need, and What's On the Way?'
Panelists include Blake James, interim University of Maineathletic director; Rod Towne of the Bangor Soccer Club; Hallie Tyler,Citizens' Initiative for a Dog Park; Gary Walker, All Pro Soccer &Sport; and Tracey Willette, Bangor Parks & Recreation superintendent.
The program is intended to fill you in about the recreationalfacilities, events, options and spaces available to you, fromorganized sporting events and sites to quiet getaways, and provideinformation about how you can help advance the programs and causesyou feel this area needs.
In a previous article regarding Fusion:Bangor, Weston pointed out'one of the goals in our mission statement is to have input and animpact on the future of the region and to connect with the history ofthe region.'
Friends and neighbors are hosting a benefit spaghetti supper forBilly Theriault, 35, of West Enfield.
The young father of one was injured recently in an automobileaccident and was left paralyzed from the waist down. He now residesin a local health care facility.
The Theriault benefit spaghetti supper is 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Jan.21, at the VFW Hall in West Enfield.
Admission is by donation.
The fundraiser will include a silent auction with items rangingfrom firewood to University of Maine men's ice hockey tickets, avehicle cleaning package valued at $100, oil changes, alignments andrestaurant gift certificates.
For more information, call Lori Porter, 745-0262.
In case your nonprofit board missed this, Merry Fogg of The BoardNetwork reminds you that you can 'learn how board self-assessment canfurther your mission' by attending 'Board Self-Assessment: A Road Mapto Improve Board Performance.'
The workshop is 9 a.m.-noon Thursday, Feb. 9, at Bangor SavingsBank's G. Clifton Eames Learning Center, 203 Maine Ave., Bangor.
A continental breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m.
The workshop will inform you about what board self-assessment is,why it is worth doing, how it can further your organization'smission, when is a good time do it and what tools and resources areavailable to assist you.
The program fee is $70 for the first person and $55 for eachadditional representative of the same nonprofit.
To register, call Fogg at 874-1000, ext. 329, or
For more information, visit
The Penobscot Historical Society will hold its annual ValentineDine Out and Mystery Ride on Saturday, Feb. 11, reports AudreyPeasley.
Participants will meet between 5:15 and 5:30 p.m. at PenobscotElementary School, and 'everyone is welcome,' she added.
You must sign up before Wednesday, Feb. 1, with Marilyn Tapley, soshe can make the reservations.
Tapley's telephone number is 326-8231.
Peasley reports the event includes door prizes and urges you to'come join us for a great time.'
Sandra Gordon, community relations coordinator for Waldo CountyGeneral Hospital in Belfast, wrote that 'we have a great raffle goingon,' which is part of the hospital's effort to raise $1 million fromthe community to receive a matching grant of the same amount 'tobuild a new surgical services wing at the hospital.'
She also announced 'just this month, we reached our million-dollar goal' and that construction has started. Its completion isexpected to coincide with the hospital's 105th anniversarycelebration this spring.
'We are still accepting donations,' Gordon said, 'as the actualcost of the building project will be $2.1 million. The paintingraffle will help raise the extra amount.'
Local artist Celene Farris has donated an original oil painting,'Roadside Poppies,' which is on view in the hospital lobby.
Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and are available at thehospital gift shop, 118 Northport Ave. in Belfast.
For more information, or to order tickets by mail, call WCGHcommunity relations at 338-6204 or write WCGH, P.O. Box 287, Belfast04915.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.