Among the many people I remember fondly from my days as a BangorDaily News sports columnist is Sharon Dauphinee, of Bangor.
Years ago, Sharon was an active member of the Women's Maine StateGolf Association and also one of its most entertaining, delightingus all at the end of a long, hot day singing as she strummed herguitar.
I know many others must have their own special memories of thiswoman who devoted herself to her profession as a registered nursefor more than 30 years.
About eight years ago, while assisting a patient, Sharon suffereda severe back injury that left her in a great deal of pain andunable to work.
There is possible relief in the form of laser spine surgery, butit is not covered by insurance and is performed at only three sitesin the U.S., her sister Patti Lane told me.
So Sharon Dauphinee's friends and family are working hard tofulfill their motto of 'Helping Sharon get BACK to living.'
To make this possible, supporters are trying to raise $20,000 tocover expenses.
They have been selling items online and on eBay, and you can findfull information about their efforts at
Right now, however, you can help Sharon by attending a benefitdinner, dance and silent auction beginning at 5:30 p.m. Saturday,Jan. 16, at the Eagles Club in Brewer.
All proceeds from this fundraiser and others may just help thislovely lady get back to living life as she knew it.
Liz Grandmaison e-mailed that Bangor Area Children's Choir isholding auditions for singers ages 9-12 for its Treble Choir from 3to 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 540 EssexSt., Bangor.
Artistic director Steve Weston will conduct what Grandmaisondescribes as 'a low-stress process' that will be 'comfortable forwalk-ins.'
'Children can expect to sing with, and for, Weston, and to do afew simple musical assessments,' she said.
The choir is preparing for its first performance of the season at3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31, at Columbia Street Baptist Church in Bangor.The concert is open to the public. Admission is free, but donationsare welcome.
For more information about auditions or Bangor Area Children'sChoir, call Weston, 992-7472 or
Rich Kimball reports Brewer Youth Theatre is one of the 'firsthigh schools in the country' to present 'The 25th Annual PutnamCounty Spelling Bee,' which is 'one of the funniest shows we've everdone, with quirky, memorable characters and great music.'
'There are some adult situations, and a few instances of stronglanguage,' Kimball cautions, 'so it may not be appropriate foryounger audiences.'
The BYT production is at 7 p.m. Friday, Jan 15, Saturday, Jan.16, and Jan 21-23, at Brewer Middle School, 5 Somerset St.
Admission at the door is $5 for adults, $3 for students.
The show features Jacob Joy, Tess McLaughlin, Kyle Holyoke,Brianna Philbrick, Alek Sayers, Rachel Caron, Kate Weigel, AlexCole, Kaileigh Tremble, Jillian McNally, Andrew Cote and EmilyIrving.
Members of Mimi King's and Ruth Peterson's Calvary Baptist ChurchSunday School class are holding a Warm Hearts-Warm Hands Day 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 16, at the Family Center, 12 Family Lane, offCenter Street in Brewer.
Church members have donated hats, mittens, sweaters, boots andblankets for individuals and families who might need 'a few extralayers during the cold winter months,' the women wrote.
Anyone who wants to take advantage of these donations is welcometo stop by.
Terry White leads the effort of members of the Bangor High SchoolClass of 1970 Reunion Committee as it prepares for its 40th classreunion on July 31.
White e-mailed that he 'is missing many addresses for classmates,and the list is too numerous' to be included here.
So, White wrote, he is 'asking for anyone who graduated' from BHSin 1970, 'or has a connection, in any way,' with members of thatclass, to call him at 296-2929 or e-mail andprovide what information you can.
White said that the last time the class met was in 1995 for its25th reunion, 'and the locations of some of the 369 who graduatedhas changed.'
White wants to ensure that all class members are invited toattend the 40th reunion, and he hopes our readers can help.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.