Reorganized four years ago, the 12-year-old Bangor Area Children'sChoirs, which include the Treble Choir and Youth Choral, will conductchoir auditions for new members from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22,and Thursday, Sept. 23, at All Souls Congregational Church onBroadway in Bangor.
Director Michele Hall reports the first choir rehearsal for the2004-2005 season is 4-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28, at the church.
The choir schedule includes the 'Nutcracker' performance with theBangor Symphony Orchestra and Robinson School of Ballet thisDecember, in which first-year choir members do not participate; aformal winter concert in January; the state choir festival in March;performances at school assemblies in April; and also a final concertthat month.
Youth Choral events include an October appearance at the BangorMuseum and Center for History, a February cabaret evening and aweekend trip 'for fun and relaxation with a little bit of work,' atthe end of April, Hall wrote.
Singers must be no younger than 9 years old and no older than 16as of Friday, Oct. 1, and while there is a yearly tuition of $200,financial assistance is available through choir scholarship funds.
Auditions for new members are a two-day process, Hall explained,and those who try out are asked not to prepare any music since eachsinger performs the same audition.
The individual audition is Wednesday, Sept. 22, and callbacks willbe made that evening.
Those singers contacted for the callback attend a group auditionthe following day and are notified of the results by 9 p.m. Friday,Sept. 24.
Last year, choir members represented 12 towns and 17 schools inthe Bangor area.
For more information, call Hall at 947-2023.
OHI is hosting a Longaberger Basket Bingo with doors opening at 11a.m. and games beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, at the BrewerEagles Club. The club's members are volunteering their time andfacility for the fund-raiser.
OHI assists people with disabilities to live productively in theircommunities, and is raising funds to take 40 individuals to DisneyWorld.
Each game will have a basket prize, reports OHI's Duane Hall.
Also, two top staffers filled baskets in a challenge to see whosebasket sells the most cards. The loser must come to work one day withblue hair!
Admission is $10 for 15 games, with an additional cost for thechallenge.
For information, call Hall at 848-5804, ext. 119.
AARP's national president, Marie Smith, is making her first tripto our area, and you are invited to welcome her as she discusses'Social Security: Our Future to Protect; Our Children's Future toSecure.'
Sponsored by AARP and the Eastern Area Agency on Aging, Smith willaddress the proposed changes in Social Security beginning at 10 a.m.Tuesday, Sept. 21, at Spectacular Events, 395 Griffin Road, Bangor.
Refreshments will be served, but in order to attend you mustpreregister.
Registrations may be made by calling (800) 432-7812.
For more than five years, Oriental Jade Restaurant in Bangor hasoffered its dinner buffet fund-raiser program for school groups andnonprofit organizations.
Co-owner Lillian Lo wants those groups to know that September isthe perfect month to host one of these events, since most bookingscome later in the year.
Adult representatives of high school, middle school, sports,church and other nonprofit groups should call and book their fund-raiser as soon as possible to obtain the most current availableopening.
The owners take a small percentage of the profits for taxpurposes, but give a generous percentage of the balance to the hostorganization. Often, a group can raise more than $1,000.
Book your Oriental Jade dinner fund-raiser by calling 947-6969.
Camden Garden Club members invite to you Beverly Reese Church'spresentation of Tablescapes: Creative Entertaining at 11:30 a.m.Thursday, Sept. 23, at MBNA's Ginley Hall on Route 1 in Northport.
Church, an author, designer, businesswoman and lecturer, travelsthroughout the country speaking on entertaining.
Preferred seating admission for the luncheon, slide show, magicaldemonstration, book sale and silent auction is $100, and includes a$65 tax-deductible donation to Maine Coast Heritage Trust.
Regular seating admission is $50 and includes a $15 tax-deductible donation to MCHT.
To order tickets, call Sally Fernald at 236-4502 or Sue Crowe at236-2668.
Membership rates for the Special Garden Club available at theSamoset Resort in Rockport by calling (877) 880-8857.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.