понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

Bangor Daily News High School Players of the Week - Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)


Big School (Classes A-B)


A senior striker for the Bangor boys soccer team, Frost scoredtwo goals as the Rams defeated Hampden Academy 3-1 to stretch theirregular-season winning streak to 60 matches.

Small School (Classes C-D)


A senior running back and linebacker for the Stearns ofMillinocket football team, Eurich rushed for 115 yards and twotouchdowns on 15 carries while registering 16 tackles to lead theMinutemen to a 22-8 victory over Calais-Woodland in a midseasonbattle of LTC unbeatens.


Big School (Classes A-B)


A senior for the Hampden Academy girls soccer team, Snyder cameup with three game-saving stops in goal to help the Broncos earn a 1-1 tie with Bangor last Friday. Snyder finished the game with eightsaves on 21 shots, including one on a penalty kick late inregulation.

Small School (Classes C-D)


A junior on the Bucksport girls soccer team, Pye scored all fiveof her team's goals in a 5-2 victory over Mount Desert Island lastSaturday. Pye's five-goal effort was a career high.

Nominations will be accepted only on Sunday and Monday fromcoaches and athletic directors and will be published each Thursday.Nominations may be made by calling the sports department from 5-10p.m. Sunday or Monday at 1-800-310-8600 or 990-8275 (Greater Bangorarea). Nominations by fax (990-8092) will be accepted but mustinclude the nominator's signature, home address and phone number.