During these difficult economic times it is more important thanever for nonprofit organizations to be successful with each of theirfundraising efforts, which is just one of many reasons Marie Stewartof the Bangor Y urges you to attend the 10th annual KeyBank Bangor YBenefit Auction.
That fundraiser is 5-10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, at SpectacularEvent Center in Bangor.
Admission, including dinner, is $35, and tickets are available atthe Bangor Y locations at 127 Hammond St. or 17 Second St.
Dick Cattle will be host and auctioneer for this evening, whichStewart describes as 'one of the largest fundraising events of theyear for the Bangor Y.'
Proceeds from this auction will help 'the Bangor Y developprograms that benefit Bangor area families and provide programsubsidies' to make them more affordable for everyone.
Auction items range from personalized books by Bangor authorStephen King to an eight-hour sail on Penobscot Bay and a lobsterfeed by Rob Frank, sports memorabilia, sports and theater ticketpackages, gift certificates for local restaurants, fuel oil, carservices and original artwork.
Lucille Cardin and members of Veazie Congregational Church inviteyou to their Christmas Bazaar.
The handicapped-accessible sale is 8 a.m.-2 p.m. today at thechurch, 1404 State St.
Helen McDonald and members of Golden Harvest Grange invite you totheir Craft Fair 9 a.m.-2 p.m. today at the Grange, 928 Main Road,Route 2, Carmel.
You can start by enjoying hot doughnuts and then browse throughtables that will feature baked goods, crafts, knit and miscellaneousitems.
Pastor Lois Field and members of Christian Community Churchinvite you to their annual Christmas Craft Fair 9 a.m.-2 p.m. todayat the American Legion Hall on Grove Street in Dexter.
Crafts, cooked foods, books, movies 'and nearly new items' willbe offered along with children's crafts.
Morning brunch will be available, and a fish or corn chowderlunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free. Fairproceeds benefit church ministries.
For information, call 924-7309.
Here's a reminder from Rhonda Young that the Bangor Elks Lodgewill hold a Craft Fair-Flea Market from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday,Nov. 9, rain or shine, at 108 Odlin Road.
All money raised stays in Maine, Young said of the event thatbenefits the Maine Children's Cancer Program.
Heidi Powell reports the Peninsula Community Orchestra and thePeninsula Junior Orchestra will appear in concert at 3 p.m. Sunday,Nov. 9, at Bay School's Emlen Hall in Blue Hill.
The event is free and open to the public, 'and families arewelcome to attend,' Powell wrote.
The orchestras are composed of 40 local string players, age 4through adult, residing in the peninsula communities of Deer Isle,Stonington, Brooksville, Sedgwick, Blue Hill, Ellsworth and MountDesert Island, Powell said.
Richard Hsu and Powell direct the orchestras, which will performback-to-back concerts in a program that ranges from the classics toragtime and traditional fiddle and features Grace Bell, a seniorcellist from George Stevens Academy in Blue Hill.
For information, call Powell at 479-2845 or e-mailfiddleheadheidi@hotmail.com.
Karen Hartnagle of Community Health and Counseling Services,along with the Maine Discovery Museum, invites you to participate inthe first session of Family Art Nights, a free program for familieswith children ages 8 through 11, taught by Arrah Vanier, chair ofthe Hermon High School art department.
Family Art Nights are planned for 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays,beginning Wednesday, Nov. 12, and continuing on Nov. 19 and Dec. 3,at MDM in Bangor.
Families may register by calling MDM at 262-7200.
Representatives of Penobscot Valley Senior College invite allsenior citizens to attend two free two-hour sessions, 'Income Taxesfor Seniors,' running from 10 a.m. to noon Friday, Nov. 14, andFriday, Nov. 21, at the Campus Center at University College ofBangor.
Although the program is free through the sponsorship of thesenior college, AARP, Eastern Area Agency on Aging and RSVP, you areasked to register by calling 262-7927 and leaving your name andphone number on the senior college's message phone.
The presenters who will offer you information about the basics ofincome tax preparation are Richard Jung, district coordinator forthe AARP Tax-Aide program for Penobscot, Hancock, Washington andPiscataquis counties, and volunteer tax counselor Stan Marshall.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;javerill@bangordailynews.net; 990-8288.