Sincere congratulations to members of Bangor Community Chorus,who are celebrating their 40th anniversary season with a concert at3 p.m. Sunday, May 16, at First United Methodist Church on EssexStreet in Bangor.
Founded by Marian Vafiadis, the chorus has entertained throughthe decades in a variety of venues from hospitals to ballrooms toparks, wrote longtime member Carolyn McKinnon.
Conductor Joshua Schmersal will lead the singers, accompanied byColin Graebert, through favorites of past performances. Memorabiliawill be displayed and refreshments will be served.
Admission is free, but donations are appreciated.
To learn more about this organization,
This is a last-minute invitation from Jim Settele to participatein a 'Labor for Your Neighbor Day,' Sunday, May 16, in severalBangor schools and at the Bangor Public Library.
'The school work starts around 10 a.m. and the library cleaningstarts at 1 p.m.,' Settele wrote of work being performed by 'membersof several Bangor churches' who 'are providing the manpower to cleanup playgrounds, do some gardening and apply some much-needed paintto several Bangor schools.'
Volunteers also will perform a 'deep cleaning of the Children'sWing of the BPL,' he added.
If you are interested in helping, call Settele at 989-3202.
Cathy Goslin reminds you the Maine Forest and Logging Museumsecond annual dinner and auction begins with a silent auction at5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 17, at the Black BearInn in Orono.
The cost for the buffet is $50, with half that amount being adonation to the museum.
Dinner reservations are being taken for individuals or for tablesof eight, and can be made by calling 974-6278 or
The town of Roque Bluffs is holding a dedication of the new RoqueBluffs Fire Station from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 16, in thatcommunity.
The public is invited to attend.
The event will recognize and honor the hard work of communitymembers who helped form the first Roque Bluffs Fire Department, andits first firefighters: Assistant Chief Wayne Hanscom, Capt. JosephThompson Sr., Lisa Hanscom, Ben Crocker, Scott Hanscom, KennethGetchell, Travis Preston, Roger Preston, Joseph Thompson Jr.,Jennifer Grant and the late Logan James Preston who, according tothe invitation, 'died at sea in March 2009, soon after joining hisfather, Roger, in the fire department.'
Jennifer Staples of Bangor and members of her Old Town AmericanCancer Society Relay for Life team hope you will join them for abowling fundraiser for the cancer society from 4 to 11 p.m. Monday,May 17, at The Sports Arena, 1640 Outer Hammond St., Bangor.
For more information, call Staples at 951-8222 or 907-6673, or e-mail
Joanne Worthen invites the public to the Robert A. Frost MemorialLibrary annual book sale May 17-21 at the library, 42 Main St.,Limestone.
The sale will be conducted from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.Monday, May 17, Wednesday, May 19, and Friday, May 21, and from 10a.m. to noon and 1 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 18, and Thursday, May 20.
If you have questions, call 325-4706.
Lanie Colson of Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems HealthcareCharities reports Uno's Chicago Grill is holding a 'doughraiser' 'tosupport the Maine Institute for Human Genetics and Health' May 18-20 at its Bangor location.
Colson wrote that 'up to 20 percent of your bill will be donatedto support cancer research at MIHGH.'
You can ask for a voucher when you arrive, or you can call JayPalmer at MIHGH, 973-9627.
Recently, many of us have sat in familiar rows and pews, biddingfarewell to individuals who were unique and integral parts of thefabric that makes us a community.
But one farewell tugged particularly hard at my heartstrings:Retired U.S. Air Force Maj. Ronald Mills of Bangor, father of mydear friend Pat Stevens.
I remember a quiet, gentle man of the earth, usually in thebackground, lovingly overseeing the activities of his more vocalfamily members.
Ironically, he only 'told' his family, and us, what he left,after his death.
Maj. Mills was a much-decorated World War II hero whose life as ayoung man helped determine the course of ours, and for that we areeternally grateful.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;; 990-8288.