Once again, thanks to the generosity of a Libra Foundationscholarship program, all children in grades 3-6 enrolled in theBangor public school system are eligible to participate in CampBangor.
Camp Bangor offers each student a $1,000 scholarship to attend theMaine summer camp, or camps, of his or her choice.
The only requirement is that the camper meets good citizenshipguidelines and volunteers in the community.
To learn about this marvelous opportunity, which no child shouldmiss, you and your eligible pupil should attend the United Way ofEastern Maine's Camp Fair from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8, at theBangor Civic Center.
The Camp Bangor program is administered by UWEM, and at this fairyou will learn about more than 145 camp programs available throughoutthe state.
Camp directories are being distributed to eligible pupils thisweek, and more copies are available at the UWEM office, 24 SpringerDrive in Bangor; in the Children's Department of the Bangor PublicLibrary on Harlow Street; or online at www.unitedwayem.org.
Eric Buch, president of UWEM, reports more than 80 camp programshave registered to participate in the fair, which gives you and yourchildren an opportunity to learn just what camps are available, fromtraditional camp activities to sports camps, art camps, environmentalstudies or faith-based camps.
Whatever your choice, be sure to choose.
There is nothing like a Maine camping experience to ensure a mostmemorable summer.
'How to Live to Be 100' is the title of a free presentation from 6to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8, at Eastern Maine Medical Center'sCardiac Wellness of Maine, located on the second level of the EMMCparking garage, next to Vascular Care of Maine.
The presentation will be given by William Murray, who isdepartment manager of Cardiac Wellness of Maine. His presentationwill help explain how people can add years to their lives.
However, class space is limited, so you should register by callingCardiac Wellness of Maine, 973-8476.
On behalf of the Bangor High School Theater Department, CarleneHirsch and George Redman invite you to attend one of its fivepresentations of Lionel Bart's musical, 'Oliver.'
The production will feature two casts of 82 students plusinstrumentalists. The show is directed by Hirsch, with Redman asmusic director and John Haskell as accompanist.
The four evening shows start at 7 p.m. Wednesday Feb. 8; Thursday,Feb. 9; Friday, Feb. 10; and Saturday, Feb. 11. There is also amatinee at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11.
All shows are in Peakes Auditorium at Bangor High School onBroadway.
Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students.
If you haven't seen a BHS musical before, this should be on yourmust-do list.
I can assure you, you will not be disappointed, and you'll comeaway very proud of the artistic talents our young people possess.
For more information, call 990-2399.
While I was away, Barbara Stone of LaGrange wrote me that herfather, James C. Tunks, celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday, Feb.3.
'He would love to hear from family and friends,' she wrote of thisspecial occasion.
To send your best wishes his way, write Tunks at 5443 BennochRoad, LaGrange 04453.
Here's a brief message from Bangor Art Society representativeSally Guaraldo.
She wants you to know that the work of BAS members is on displaynow through Tuesday, Feb. 28, in the Lecture Hall of Bangor PublicLibrary on Harlow Street.
The Maine Children's Cancer Program will be the beneficiary of aValentine's Day Fundraiser sponsored by Back Door Dance Studio ofEddington from 8 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Elks Clubon Odlin Road in Bangor.
Tickets are $15 each, and advance purchase is preferred.
You can purchase tickets and receive more information by callingBDDS at 943-5638 or by e-mailing swingtime34@aol.com or Becky Drakeat bdrake1779@aol.com.
Fifties-style attire is suggested, and activities include a twistand hula-hoop contest, raffles and dinner.
Doors open at 7 p.m., and a cash bar will be available.
MCCP provides integrated, comprehensive cancer care for childrenin Maine and New Hampshire through the Barbara Bush Children'sHospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.