BANGOR - Bangor High School football coach Mark Hackett revealedMonday that he recently switched football teams.
At least, he has switched his support of football teams: from theDallas Cowboys to the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots.
'To be honest with you my two favorite teams have been theUniversity of Maine and the Bangor Rams and now it's going to be theNew England Patriots,' Hackett said during a press conference at cityhall detailing the specifics of Wednesday's visit by three members ofthe Patriots and team owner Bob Kraft.
'I used to be a Cowboys fan, but with what's been going on thisyear I'm now with the Patriots,' Hackett said, explaining that hisfirst year as a head coach has been a dream season with the Ramsgoing undefeated and winning their first state title in 20 years.
Hackett's revelation of changing teams came after Maine coach JackCosgrove had said that he was excited to take part in Wednesday's12:30 p.m. rally at the Bass Park grandstand.
'These are my three favorite teams, the Bangor Rams, the MaineBlack Bears and the New England Patriots,' Cosgrove said. 'It's agreat day for the sport of football to see this type of event takingplace in Bangor, Maine.'
The Patriots will arrive at Bangor International Airport at 1 p.m.and then take a police escort to Bass Park, where the team isexpected to arrive at 1:15 p.m. Super Bowl hero Adam Vinatieri, teamcaptain Lawyer Milloy and defensive end Bobby Hamilton will greet thecrowd along with Kraft, who will have the Lombardi Trophy. The trophywas awarded to the Patriots after they defeated the St. Louis Rams 20-17 on Vinatieri's final-second 48-yard field goal in Super BowlXXXVI.
The team will then be honored in a proclamation by Bangor MayorMichael Crowley, who will also give them a key to the city. The teamwill leave at 2 p.m. and fly down to Portland for a parade at 3 p.m.
At noon, fans can enter Bass Park where they will be givencommemorative team photos of the Super Bowl champs printed by theBangor Daily News. At 12:30 p.m., members of the UMaine and Bangorfootball teams will address the rally.
Cosgrove said that players not attending classes will try toattend, while Hackett said that his team will be excused from school.
'I don't know about the rest of the school. I'm suspecting thatwe'll be adding members to the 62-man roster,' Hackett said jokingly.
Hackett said the students are 'fired up' and eager to see thePatriots.
'I don't think they really believe it's going to happen because alot of people think 'why would they stop by in Bangor, they're goingto Portland?' We just keep telling them, 'hey we beat Portland, maybewe can get them up here,'' Hackett said. 'It's a big deal to us andwe can talk and joke about it, but the people involved in gettingthem to stop by ... that makes me proud.'
Crowley praised the efforts of several city officials and membersof the media in working together to convince the Patriots to visitBangor. The city was also aided by Bangor native Nick Carparelli Jr.who was working in the Patriots office and delivered invitations toKraft.
After the team won the Super Bowl Kraft, a Boston native, promisedthat the team would visit the six New England states to thank fansfor their support.