пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

WVII-TV's 'Sports Page' folds after financial woes - Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)

The Sunday Sports Page, an hour-long sports talk show on Bangortelevision station WVII (Channel 7), was canceled on July 24.

The brainchild of former WZON producer and reporter Pat Spekhardtwas telecast every Sunday from 11 a.m. to noon and featuredSpekhardt and co-host Brian Sullivan, the WVII sports director andanchor, along with local sports celebrities and members of theBangor Daily News sports staff.

It featured highlights from the week in sports, locally andnationally, and a round-table discussion involving members of theBDN sports staff and the co-hosts.

The original contract called for a 13-week run, but it ran formore than 40 weeks.

'It all came down to expense,' said Spekhardt. 'The ad revenuesweren't covering the cost of the show. As a result, I wound upputting my own money into it.'

'We gave it a good shot, but it just didn't work out,' addedSpekhardt.

He said he wanted to keep it going and Channel 7 wanted to keepit going but 'sadly, it came down to the expense of TV.'