среда, 19 сентября 2012 г.

Literacy Volunteers of Bangor to train tutors - Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME)

Training begins Wednesday, Jan. 13, and continues for six weeksfor anyone who would like to become a Literacy Volunteers of Bangortutor, reports executive director Mary Marin Lyon.

'Prior teaching experience, foreign language skills and-or adegree in education are not required,' Lyon added.

Training for the first certification in 2010 for Basic LiteracyTutors, who help an adult improve his or her reading, runs from 9a.m. to noon Wednesday, Jan. 13, and continues for six weeks, atUnited Technologies Center, 200 Hogan Road in Bangor.

While the course fee is $30, scholarships are available.

Registration can be made by calling LV-Bangor at 947-8451 or e-mailing www.lvbangor@utc.


Perhaps you've already made New Year's resolutions, Lyon wrote.If so, she encourages you 'to consider expanding' those resolutions'and help a fellow community member improve' his or her literacy bybecoming a Literacy Volunteer.

Looking for a place to dine tonight?

Lucille Cardin and members of Veazie Congregational Church inviteyou to their church supper of spaghetti and meatballs from 4:45 to 6p.m. Saturday at the church, 1404 State St. in Veazie.

Admission is $6 for adults, $3 for children, and the facility ishandicapped-accessible.

Reservations are required by Saturday, Jan. 16, for anyone whowants to attend the Annual Gathering & Recognition Dinner for theCurran Homestead, which is planned for 5:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 18, atOriental Jade Restaurant in Bangor.

The dinner is generously sponsored by Bangor LetterShop, so thereis no charge for Curran Homestead members, donors and honored gueststo attend, but admission for others who want to attend is $15 foradults, $8 for children.

Reservations may be made by calling Karen Marsters, 947-0749, orIrv Marsters, 745-4426, or e-mailing irv@bangorlettershop.com.

Chris White, of Bucksport, called this week to inform readersthat representatives of Ski Museum of Maine, which is 'now locatedin Kingfield,' continue to seek Maine ski history items, and thatthe museum is 'particularly in need of mannequins, both male andfemale but, especially, male,' so the museum 'can display a 10thMountain Division soldier of World War II.'

White reminds us that 'Mainers were an integral part of thathistoric division' of the U.S. military.

'Anyone who can help,' White said, is asked to call Ski Museum ofMaine at 491-5481 or John Christie, at 624-5183.

Members of Brewer High School Class of 1960 need help in locatingsome of their classmates for their 50th Class Reunion, reports DorisSeymour.

That grand celebration is planned for Friday, Aug. 20, at theMuddy Rudder Restaurant in Brewer.

Several people are among 'the missing' and, Seymour pointed out,names for female class members may have changed, since they camefrom the most current list available to reunion organizers.

If you have information about the whereabouts of any of themissing members of BHS '60, you are asked to call Seymour at 989-1294 or e-mail aboutthathair@aol.com.

Among the BHS '60 missing are Beverly Brown Berg, Sally Clement,Richard Foster, Joan Gibson, Ronald Graves, Dale Green, PatriciaJellison Butterfield, Beverly Johnston, Sally Jones Elliot and RoseMarie Lewia.

Also being sought are Michael Maker, Carleen Marquis Averill,Penny Memmelaar Spencer, Anna Roberts Scheppach, John Robinson,Eleanor Rowell Phelps, Earl Sanborn, Raymond Severance, JoyceTeague, Pamela Welch Townsend and Charles Cook.

Brad Ryder of Epic Sports recently made a presentation to AlanComeau of The Acadia Hospital that enabled Acadia RecoveryCommunity, a homeless shelter in Bangor operated by The AcadiaHospital, to purchase sleeping bags, day packs, wool hats and glovesfor ARC clients.

Nearly $9,500 worth of items were purchased for just over $6,000with Epic Sports discounting the remaining amount, equaling a $3,438in-kind donation.

The Acadia Hospital, a private, nonprofit psychiatric andchemical dependency treatment provider, is a member of Eastern MaineHealthcare Systems, according to a press release, that 'works withits affiliated organizations to ensure the highest quality care isavailable to all who need it.'

More information is available at www.acadiahospital.org.

'Epic Sports is pleased to participate in this program to assistthe homeless in our community,' Ryder stated.

'The need is great this time of year, and we appreciate theefforts of Acadia Recovery Community to assist those individuals.'

Epic Sports is an outdoor specialty retailer in downtown Bangor.

Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402;javerill@bangordailynews.net; 990-8288.