With the enthusiastic support of Bangor Police Chief Don Winslow,a group of very nice young men, whom I had the pleasure of meeting,will hold a special event that I hope is well received by residentsof Greater Bangor.
The first Dynamic Performance Auto Club Car Show is 9 a.m.-1 p.m.Saturday, June 21, at Bass Park in Bangor. The event is free forspectators.
The gates open for registration at 7 a.m., and cars can beregistered until 10 a.m.
The admission fee is $5 to register show cars and $10 for the SPLcompetitors, which is where I had to pause and ask, 'What is SPL?'
Noah Sargent of Bangor, A.C. Gallant of Brewer and Terry Wolfe ofEddington all smiled and, practically in one voice, informed me itsignifies a car stereo system, as in 'those loud boom sounds youhear!'
Wow! That's some unusual competition but, I want you to know, thisis a good-hearted effort for a most worthy cause.
Proceeds from the Dynamic Performance Car Show benefit the PoliceAthletic League.
The young men told me what they're trying to do is create a commonbond to help improve the relationship between young car enthusiastsand members of the community, which includes the BPD.
'We want the kids to know that the cops are there for theirbenefit,' Sargent said, 'and the police to know that the kids are notdoing what they see in the movies. We want everyone to understandwhere the lines are, both ways.'
There are 20-plus classes for show cars, two bike classes and sixSPL classes, and car owners of all ages, from everywhere, are invitedto participate.
The organizers expect car clubs from as far south as New York andas far north as Canada to be here. The phone has been ringing off thehook, they said.
Complementing the car show at Bass Park is drag racing from 3 to 9p.m. Saturday, June 21, at Winterport Dragway, under special lightsthat have been rented for this event.
Entry fees for the Winterport site are $10 for racers and $5 forspectators.
Attendees are invited to camp out, at the track, and stay over forSunday's Import Wars sport compact car races the next day.
With help from people such as Winterport track manager DerrickCunningham, sponsorships and the support of Chief Winslow, the clubmembers hope this is a successful event.
Winslow e-mailed to say he believes the car show at Bass Park 'isa great idea. It gives them an opportunity to show off the fruits oftheir hobby.'
After meeting with club members, Winslow said he left with a'better understanding of the group, and an appreciation for theirhard work' and that, from his perspective, 'showing off their cars atan organized event is much better than lining them up along MainStreet.'
This should be one terrific event: An opportunity for young andold alike to share their love of cars.
I commend Dynamic Performance for this effort, and hope the clubcontinues to grow and share its good will and community spirit withall of us.
For more information about the show, visit dymanicperformance.orgor winterport
For information about the show or the auto club, call Sargent at942-7285.
Joanne Bradshaw reports that Corinth Family Medicine will hold itssecond annual Health Fair to coincide with Corinth's Old Home Days,which run 6 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday, June 20, and 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday,June 21.
The Health Fair is noon-2 p.m. at the ballpark behind the townoffice. There will be minimassages and cholesterol and blood sugarscreenings. Weight Watchers will offer body-mass index measurements.
On behalf of the Peony Society of Maine, its president, KenLiberty, invites you to the society's third annual Peony Garden Tour,10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, June 21, at his home, 23 Ohio St. in Bangor.
More than 70 varieties of peonies and nearly 100 plants should bein full bloom.
Admission is a $2 donation, which is used to donate unusual peonyplants to local public gardens. Previous donations were to theLittlefield Demonstration Gardens at the University of Maine in Oronoand Ecotat Gardens in Hermon.
The tour will be held rain or shine, and more information isavailable from Liberty by calling 945-9726.
Joni Averill, Bangor Daily News, P.O. Box 1329, Bangor 04402; 990-8288.