BANGOR - Downtown businesses, the city and several localorganizations are teaming up to present their second annual WinterWeekend, which this time will span four days.
Residents and visitors are invited to alleviate cabin fever bytaking part in some of the roughly 30 events, most of them outdoorsand most of them free, that will be held Feb. 10-14 in venuesdowntown, on the Bangor Waterfront and in nearby city parks.
The schedule for the event still was being firmed up this week,according to Terry Delargy of J Group and Steve Ribble of AMES A/E,co-chairmen of the Winter Weekend planning committee.
The tentative schedule that has evolved so far shows that theevent will feature some of the events debuted during the event'sfirst year, including the Paul Bunyan look-alike contest, the BanffFilm Festival, a Soup and Cinema event, snow sculptures in downtownparks, a pancake breakfast, horse-drawn wagon rides, a rovingphotographer, snowshoe racing and lots of events for kids.
Events and activities new to the Winter Weekend lineup include avolunteer kickoff party, formal dance, a bonfire on the waterfront,events for snowmobilers, Big Wheel races and a remote-control vehicletechnical course.
Other first-time offerings will include Taste of Bangor, sidewalksales, picture framing and safe Web surfing programs conducted bydowntown merchants.
Sponsors and partners in the first Winter Weekend event wereDowntown Center Corp., the Greater Bangor Convention and VisitorsBureau, Epic Sports, J Group Advertising, Sea Dog Brewing Co., BangorDaily News, Ames A/E, the city of Bangor's parks and recreation andpublic works departments, the Greater Bangor Region Chamber ofCommerce and Maine People's Alliance.
New partners for the coming edition of Winter Weekend includeFusion Bangor, which is sponsoring a formal dance at the Union StreetBrick Church on Feb. 10, the Paul Bunyan Snowmobile Club, which isorganizing a ride-in, 'show-shine' and safety program on Feb. 12 inthe vacant field next to Railroad Street.
Ribble encourages those who want to try their hand at the snowsculpture competition to contact him by e-mail at sribble@amesae.comso that organizers can make sure enough space and snow are availableto all who want to take part.
For the latest information on Winter Weekend events andactivities, watch the Downtown Center Corp.'s Web site and click on the 'What's going on' icon.